I’ve recently completed a temporary 10-month stint as sole tweeter and community manager for Hennepin County Library (@hclib). About a month in, I wrote a guest post for Tame The Web exploring what I’d learned about tweeting for public libraries at that point (http://tametheweb.com/2012/04/20/tweeting-for-public-libraries/). “Follow Your Patrons” is a follow-up, a slide deck with lots of practical examples as to how libraries can best leverage our Twitter presences to not just describe what we do, but to do what we do. (Note: while the examples draw from my experience tweeting for HCL, this is a personal presentation made on my own time, not as a representative of HCL).
Emily Lloyd is an Associate Librarian with Hennepin County Library and lives in Minneapolis. She writes a library webcomic/blog, Shelf Check, and tweets @poesygalore.